Friday, November 1, 2013

Polar Bear and Bunny: The Taken

So, I thought I was about to quit the blog because of some issues, but I found a way to do this. If the old viewers aren't coming back after that long hiatus, then welcome new viewers and welcome back any of the old ones if you're still here.  

Once upon a time there was a Polar Bear and a Bunny and they were working at a carnival. They would hand out cotton candy at the vendor they worked in until one day when the crowd seemed rather scarce. The Polar Bear was playing his portable system when someone came to the counter.

“Jan Jan, can you get this one?” he asked the snow white and skinny Bunny Rabbit who was making some cotton candy.

“Bloody ‘el ya fatso! Stop playin’ dat game an do yerself some work,” she said in her Scottish accent, even though there’s no Scotland in this world, and got some cotton candy.

“I love you,” the Bear uttered in one fast sentence.

“I love ya too,” she said while pecking him on the cheek and handing the treat to the person at the counter. “Here ya go lo-” The Bunny’s eyes went wide when she saw the face of the Chipmunk in front of her.

It’s eyes were sunken in with a green color and it’s mouth hanged open, agape.

“Dear lord, what’s wrong with ya’?” the Bunny said with concern in her voice.

The chipmunk’s mouth stretched even wider than possible with a voice that came out saying, “I will swallow your soul! And your colon if that’s okay.”

The Bunny raised an eyebrow at that last part.

“It won’t even be gruesome on your body. I just stick a tentacle down your throat and slurp it up,” the Chipmunk explained.

“Uh, no thanks,” the Bunny declined.

“Then I will take your soul by force!” the Chipmunk yelled and started climbing over the counter.

The Bunny squealed and backed away, running into the Polar Bear who got tipped over, landing on the drape of the vendor. The whole thing came crashing down with the Polar Bear and Bunny crawling out, unharmed.

“What happened?” the Polar Bear asked while still playing his game.

“Will you stop that?!” the Bunny slapped the system out of his hands, “We just got attacked by some kinda monster squirrel!”

“It looked like a chipmunk to me,” the Polar Bear said.

The Bunny glared at him and said, “Let’s go see if anyone knows what’s goin’ on.”

The Polar Bear and Bunny head out to the other vendors and see nobody around.

“Where’d everybody go?” she asked.

“The pants harvest?” he said, unsure.

“It is vibrant in Spring,” she started speaking in a Southern accent even though- well, you get it. “Darn thing,” she tapped her throat until the Scottish one came back.

Suddenly a horde of animals was seen slumping towards them off in the distance.

“Are they slumpin’?” she asked.

“Hold on,” the Polar Bear said as he pulled out a metallic device.

He then looked through two pieces of it. A pair of binoculars they were.

“Yeah, they’re like the Squirrel,” the Bear confirmed.

“Chipmunk,” the Rabbit corrected.

“Didn’t I say that?” the Bear asked.

“Nope. Now, I guess we found what we were lookin’ for,” the Rabbit said.

“Oh, taffy,” the Bear said while walking to one of the stands.

“Babe, we got no time fer taffeh’. Babe?”

“Don’t worry honey. Just getting this,” he pulls out a backpack connected to a big device and walks back towards her.

“Nice ‘n!”

“This should slow them down while we find the source.”

“I bet them shooters have upped yer accuracy,” the Bunny said with a smile as she got behind him.

“That stuff only helps your hand-eye coordination,” the Bear said while racking something on the device.


The device shoots out giant strands of pink taffy to plaster onto the taken animals, making them stick to the ground. The weapon also sends the Bear flying back with the Rabbit from the harsh recoil.

“That stuff’s intense!” the Rabbit said.

“Let’s go!” the Bear said while getting up and helping her to her feet so they could run away.

The whole carnival was filled with taken animals that the Bear fired at from left and right until they made it to the docks where there was a speed boat.

“There’s no way out better than this!,” the Rabbit said as she got the boat started. “Don’t even think about firin’ that thing on here!” she said to her partner.

The Polar Bear took off the taffy shooter and sat down next to the Bunny.

“Is it coming out on the tracker now?” the Bunny asked.

The Polar Bear pulled out a tablet and swiped his fingers on it a few times.

“I’m getting a reading finally. Let’s just go to the other side of the island and make our way to it from there,” the Bear said.

Everything was working out. They’d found what they were looking for and a fuzzy arm had been making it’s way over the side of the boat the whole time they were talking.
New writing every day.

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